Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hunting in Charlotte

Job hunting . . . my nemesis yet also my way of life. It does, however, send me on some interesting adventures. Early this week, I headed down to Charlotte for a career fair. My niece's name is Charlotte and when I told my nephew that I was going to Charlotte for a few days he asked, "But where is she?" How cute!

I arrived at a friend's house Monday evening for a relaxing night of wine and Mrs. Doubtfire. Don't hate, that movie is still kinda funny. Tuesday morning I put on my fancy business suit and drove to the hotel where the career fair was being held. First of all, how do you not know that you're supposed to dress up for a career fair?? And by dress up, that does not mean wear your 'nice' jeans, your 'nice' sneakers and a hideous puffy brown leather jacket from the 80's. Also, those jackets with cartoon characters like Tweety Bird are also not appropriate . . . ever. Needless to say, I had a leg up on the competition.

Sadly, it was mostly sales positions and companies that had nothing to do with my profession. My most promising conversation was with an FBI agent who told me I carried myself well, I was very articulate and with my 4-year degree, I should consider becoming an agent.

I guess if this whole graphic design thing doesn't work out, it's nice to know I have options.

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